Thursday, October 20, 2011

HC Newest Website

Domestic abuse is a very touchy subject. 
Women (sometimes men) are degraded, yelled at, slapped, punched, raped by the person who is supposed to be their protector, lover, friend and partner, to survive this crazy thing called life.

I have known people who had to live a life where they were considered a nobody, they were worthless and they wouldn't be able to accomplish anything in their lives.

HC, why would you suggest for them to take a picture wearing a piece of duct tape over their mouth?

So, is your next "project" to make money off of a very touchy subject to most? You're a very money hungry low life person. Yes, I said it. You're what I just said. All what you're interested in, is making money off of other people's pain and suffering.

I have to get to class. I will fix this up later. I am not done with this one, but you'll know my drift.

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