Sunday, January 15, 2012

His rank! Not Yours!

Post as many pics as you'd like dear but again. You're not married to this man, you're not enrolled in D.E.E.R.S., and it's his rank NOT YOURS!

Oh and cute pics of his and Cody together. What does her call him? Uncle Joe?


  1. Ohhhh so he's in the military now? Pretty sure your last post said I lied about it. And where did I mention his rank? Not my problem that's the first thing you noticed :)

    I went for his smile :D

    -Heather Mo-Fugging Clouse

  2. oh heather i thought u didnt read the "hate pages" and u did mention his rank, and how long ago was this pic taken.. if im not mistaken he is the one who said he was not military, you said he was so both of ya'll should sit down and get ur lies straight.. this dude is just as creepy as you are so you two make a perfect match.... get a life u stupid bitch!!!!!!! honestly quit tryin so hard to be a military wife..

    1. Show me where I mentioned his rank :) Make my day.

      And come up with something more well equipped than "I thought you didn't look at your hate pages" at least you're admitting what you are now. That's a good first step. And lets be honest here, you know I just made your day.

      You're welcome.

      -Heather MoFuggin Clouse

    2. lmfao i never said hcap was a hate page you dumbass.. u call it a "hate" page as u can see i put them in quotation marks. and seeing ur ugly ass face every day on my wall because so many ppl cant stand ur dumbass does not make my day.. u did mention his rank but what do u kno your lame ass deleted the comment.. go figure.. and its nice to see at 32 yrs old joe that ur on heathers level. heather has daddy issues and u must have daugther issues.. so u two make a perfect match... now run along and play in traffic.. or better yet GO TAKE CARE OF UR SON u stupid whore

  3. If you remember correctly, which you are not. I stated "Just because I have a short hair cut, doesn't mean I'm in the military." I never said I wasn't.

    And keep in mind that officers have professional schools as well. Basic & AIT are not the only ones out there.


    1. aww, you having Joe do your dirty work. I bet you, you never told him about you telling a military wife that you hoped her husband come home in a pine box, huh? I pity the man who dates you. You two will not last long. Heather, you nose is too high in the sky for a man like that. Next you will be writing blogs about his shit stained underwear.. LOL

    2. Hey Joe have you seen all of Heather's lovely posts on BabyGaga/DDIHY where she would claim she was a Military spouse? Or did she tell you about the times she'd make Chris take her to the Commissary in his uniform just so they could cut ahead of the line so she could hurry to get home and take a nap. Awwwww poor Heather so tired from sitting around all day and doing nothing!

    3. And he's supposed to be the professional and he's the one we have who's supposed to be protecting our nation? The Army needs to better check who they have leading our soldiers. Disgusted!

  4. Oh and he calls him "Joe" pronounce "GO" in case you were legitimately wondering. Does your child call everyone they meet, aunt or uncle? Odd, but whatever floats your parenting boat.

    -Heather MoFuggin Clouse

    1. Answer the fucken question yu asskisser, Dose yur new lover know that yu told a military wife that yu Hoped her housband comes home in a box??? huh?? Answer with the truth bitch. dont act like yu didnt read her question yu dumb fuck. and act like a realy women and dont get yur fucken BF in this shit !

    2. hmmm sounds like ur son has speech problems, do us a favor get ur stupid ass off the computer long enough to get ur son the speech help he needs.. he probably is having all them issues from you cramming a paci in his damn mouth to keep him quiet while u live ur life on the web... poor baby.. cps should be called on you.. u do not take care of your son so who are u to question anyone about theirs... bitch please ur a nobody and will always remain a nobody.. but im sure on base u are well known as the base rat!!!!

    3. No actually my kids call their father DAD or DADDY. And whoever else by their proper titles because I don't bring random ass people around them that I just met a couple of weeks ago. You give other teen moms shit about things like this and now you can't take a taste of your own medicine.
