Monday, February 13, 2012

How old are you?

Seriously HC are you that hurt that you called out for the phony that you are? So Kail tells the truth and you're now holding her website hostage? Wow girl you got some morals! And no you're not a baller! You forget it was THESE GIRLS that made YOU a SEMI 'somebody'.
Oh and before any guard dogs start barking, yes WE DO take the word of the ACTUAL TEEN MOMS vs HC.


  1. Lol how stupid can you get? Heather is not "holding her website hostage"... It's been permanently removed and Kail is getting a new one. It's that simple.

    And btw, just because Kail was on TV, doesn't mean she doesn't lie. ;)

    1. LOL!!! Ok good puppy! Run along now. Cuz your master is just FULL of truth and hasn't been proved over and over again to be a liar.

    2. Now now, how could it have been permanently removed, huh? So you just proved that Heather did in fact delete it and not just disable it! So the question is, how stupid can you get?

    3. LOL that is exactly what I am saying - that it is GONE, which means she is not "holding it hostage" to make Kail apologize to her.

      Heather being a liar or not has nothing to do with this post, lol. You're assuming that Heather is holding Kail's website hostage because it's gone after their falling out and I am simply telling you you're stupid for saying that. Why would Heather keep paying for a website for someone who threw her under the bus? Since you believe every word the teen moms say, just look at Kail's Twitter, she said herself that she is looking for someone to build her a website... ;) Whether Kail ends up publicly apologizing to her or not, that's a different story and it doesn't mean Heather will accept it and be friends with her again or bring her website back. Once a friend betrays you, it's done. And I believe that is how Heather feels about the situation.

      OH and Heather did have the right to delete it since SHE was the one paying for it.

    4. Hi Heather! Oh wait! Hi Furious Moose! LOL!

  2. I do agree that the teen moms lie and Kail is probably the biggest liar and I also believe that Kail was in the wrong as far as the whole scentsy issue because all Kail is worried about is numbers and money. BUT Heather is a manipulator and a liar herself so I don't believe a word she says either. Kail and Heather both used each other. Kail has got to learn.

    1. It was proven that HC did in fact call customer service for Scentsy, so Heather is just as wrong as Kail is about the whole Scentsy situation!! BUT Heather had no right to delete her website. Heather just uses these teen moms to get money from Google.

  3. HC has been proven to be a liar countless times. I never for a second thought she ever met the girls in person. As far as talking to them, heck, I've talked to them on various social media. Whoop de doo. Doesn't mean I know them or cam write an article about them.

  4. oh she absolutely uses them. There's no doubt about that. She's a heartless bitch who thinks she's always right, refuses to apologize when needed. The list goes on and on.

  5. How do you know heather is paying for the site????
