Monday, April 9, 2012

Is that the story now?

 Well come on now Joe? You do know by now she calls the shots. 

Is that what you need to call yourself now to make her feel better about  what everyone else already knows about her? Why not a Teen Mom Chaser? That's how she actually makes her sales? People don't buy from her because she's HC. They buy from her because they actually THINK she knows the Teen Mom girls. 

Hahahaha!!! Really? Because we have ss and they say different and we know for a fact that people have personal messages from you both. How many ban list's are you both on? So........yeah. Maybe you should of took notes from Chris. Or you're seeing maybe you moved too damn fast. 

Monday, March 19, 2012

The secret to HC'S Scentsy success.....

Well other than using Teen Moms. Take to Twitter, search a trend, and tweet away to random people about Scentsy. Awesome!!! Personally I'd ignore this shit as spam. 

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Once Again Kail WINS

The month of February, the Scentsy award goes too.....

You betcha, Kail! Kail has made it to the Scentsy rank of Director.

Next in line is Chelsea, with SuperStar Consultant status

and last in line is..... Dalis and Ryan, where they're the title rank of Lead Consultant.

So, who do you think is the better consultant within the Teen Mom show?

Monday, February 27, 2012

Can't think of a title

Can her head get any bigger?

You mean anymore?

So this is making you look like the professional? Heather when are you going to grow up? You're so immature, it's disgusting..

The Case of the Misspelled Words

Last night on Stickam, Heather claimed that spelling and grammar and misusing them is one of her pet peeves. Well, I thought I would make you aware, that Heather in facts misspells words too... 


 "Black them up"...?

"strater kit"...?

"do't care"..?


Did you mean i'm* in VA?


Thursday, February 23, 2012

Who is the best Scentsy Consultant.

Since this whole war with Scentsy has happened between Heather Clouse and the Teen Mom's and dads, well lets go over some of these Scentsy ranks and achievement. 

Kail's website claims that she is a Lead consultant, but with her promotions for this month, she has made the announcement that she has just made director.. CONGRATS!

Chelesa who signed up a day or two after Kail, is a Lead consultant according to her website. I am sure if she was promoted to Director she would have made the announcement, so I am going to say she isn't one, yet!

Dalis and Ryan are only certified, according to their website. 

Here is proof that you do NOT have to sell under Heather to be successful.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Formspring normally comes back to bite her in the ass......

Does this twit have any clue how much a private health insurance  plans costs? Not only for one person much less someone with a family? 

Now refer to this again when she talks shit about the next Teen Mom who has a new guy.

 If this was a negative question she would have corrected "site" with the correct spelling sight*.

That's very rational thinking for someone with a small child who just broke off an engagement with someone she lived with. 

They're mind readers. 

If this was even remotely true she'd still be friends with Toni and Kail. 

Meaning school takes too much work. She rather just write half ass shit based on a tweet. Remember kids she calls a picture with a caption a "blog". 

Are you fucking kidding me? You selling scented wax and spamming people's shit up made more than a police officer? If that's true why didn't YOU keep that big ass 6 bedroom house and mortgage? 

Again if that was true you would of been fired already!

Yea that's why she's so pissed with the cable company. No babysitter .
Now remember kids today their friends and tomorrow it could be different. Based on Scensty sales and Teen Mom ratings. 
See look, she already forgot?! "It was love at first kiss", and that took 3 dates to get to. 
Remember she's a robot. 
I'm saying yes to the marriage as long as he stays active duty. You know she wants those tags. 
Translation : Hell yea she screwed up all her contacts and needs new Scensty recruits. 

$1,000 bucks? Pay down credit cards? Make an extra car payment or house payment? Put it away for a rainy day? <----Grown up thinking. 

Yet she was writing about what great Birthday she had with Chris and how great of cook her 'mother in law' was. This was all in the whole month of December. 
You see she's above everything? Silly people when you learn? Nothing will phase HC. She's a robot. 
3 dates for kiss? Sorry I'm not buying this shit. 

Not really. Read the shit you wrote about her say????? 3 months ago and read the shit you started to write 2-3 weeks ago.....BIG DIFFERENCE! 

Monday, February 20, 2012

Here it is in BLACK and WHITE!

So as you can see straight from the Scensty rule book, HC was wrong! Even though she refuses to take the blame for what happen with Kail, she claims to know these rules 'like the back of her hand' she knew better! Bark, bitch, whatever but here it is....................

Proof Read!!!!

Um movie? What? Well I guess the blog isn't really important here. What's really important is the Scentsy plug. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Hahaha I love the fact that you're quoting your own words!!! Does anybody else remember her saying that before???? LOL

You mean you saw more $$ signs? You do not care about the military, you never have and never will. Remember you're the one who compared being a soldier to being a garbage man and that they're the ones who signed up to fight for your freedoms.

Monday, February 13, 2012

How old are you?

Seriously HC are you that hurt that you called out for the phony that you are? So Kail tells the truth and you're now holding her website hostage? Wow girl you got some morals! And no you're not a baller! You forget it was THESE GIRLS that made YOU a SEMI 'somebody'.
Oh and before any guard dogs start barking, yes WE DO take the word of the ACTUAL TEEN MOMS vs HC.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

HC Not on Birth Control

I am sure this will come in handy soon enough!!! 

I am having a hard time thinking that you and Joey aren't having sex.....

HC states that she feels like poo.. today, I wonder why? Setting Joey up in your baby trap?

FS Questions

Actually it's what I read! Remember we just re post everything that you say. Maybe you should think before you tweet. Or think before you write another article about some of these girls! You're no role model. It sickens me that you can knock down these girls for drinking when we have pics of you drunk and you were not legal age.

Whoever asked the bottom question, good luck on her ever changing that. Remember when she was with Chris she said that she was still single even though those two were engaged? LOL

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

HC's recap about Jenelle

"She decides to hitch a plane to California" well if I can recall correctly, her lawyer is the one who told her about the rehab center. Why do you always pick apart everything that she has done? Do you not want her to get better?

Jenelle I am glad that you're taking steps to cure your addiction to weed!

Leah's recap mistakes

"known about Leah cheating on him WHILE****"?

We NOW KNOW- sounds a whole lot better!

So NO this wasn't your best recap ever! You still need to learn to you know PROOF READ!!


I just now watched this weeks episode.

"Leah beats Corey to the punch and files for divorce." umm, COREY GOT THE LAWYER FIRST!!! What show were you watching? He didn't file first but he got the lawyer first. If Corey didn't tell her about getting a lawyer she wouldn't have called hers up!

And if my math is correct this was the SECOND TIME that Leah cheated on Corey! Why do you insist on making him out to be the bad guy? huh?!

Leah isn't innocent in all of this as you keep trying to say that she is.

Another Article With Mistakes!

"Jo taked Kail up" Ummmm, what? Do you mean took?

Monday, February 6, 2012

My Commentary on Maci's blog

So please tell us Heather, how is Cody dealing with the recent split between you and Chris? Since when do you care about the child's opinion on a situation? Huh? 

HC and shipping costs.....something doesn't add up

Well for someone who prides herself in being THE BEST SCENSTY DIRECTOR EVER!!! She either forgot that their shipping rates are 10% of your order total or she must REALLY suck at math.

The order total was $70 so that'd make shipping $7 bucks HC.....$7! Not $5. 

$5.00 dollars for shipping is from  $1-49.99, after that until $150.00 it's 10%. Heather you suck!

HC giving head on Stickam?

Perception is EVERYTHING!!

WTF?? Are you giving your man head on camera? 

I am a little confused on why you even went on Stickam anyways!?!? 

WOW his penis is so small you can't even see it!!! But he sure does look like he is enjoying it!!

If you're so tired why not turn the camera off and go take a nap?

So should we be prepared for the next session to be a full blown porno?

***It looks like you have a mustache Heather!!***

Still can't stop putting down Jenelle

Meaning it's just been harder for HC to talk shit about her. So let's pick apart her friend's comments. Oh and FYI HC two of the members of BSB have been in and out of rehab for drugs and alcohol. Oh and Justin Timberlake has admitted to smoking pot several times. 
Didn't you get the memo? Kail isn't on her Scentsy Team so her blogs about her haven't been the nicest lately. And HC talk crap? No! She's only reporting the truth. LOL!

HC take things out of context? This is the same girl who called the local news station and said she feared for her life. We don't call her a drama queen for nothing.